About this site

Firstly a thank you for coming by this site. It is appreciated.

Quite simply, here you will find a range of different blog posts, extended articles and features, and product reviews based on my ongoing travels and visits to destinations, attractions and venues here in the UK and overseas.

A quick mention about the title – The Landlocked Traveller. It is a bit of a parody of sorts. Why? Well, for one who loves to be outdoors and exploring – particularly it has to be said by the sea and coast – I live in the centre of England and at least a good two hours from the nearest coast and beach. I am as landlocked as they come.

However, it does mean that I am in a good central point to head off in any direction I need to, north, east, south or west. And I do have the claim to fame that I live – and have been born and bred – in the town that is the birthplace of rugby football, Rugby in Warwickshire, England.

(I even helped write their latest Visitor Guide – click here)

As for my travels, over the past 25 years or so they have taken me [so far!] as far as Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Asia, as well as into Europe including the likes of France, Ireland, The Netherlands and Belgium (although what happens about European travel post-Brexit remains to be seen). And believe me when I say there are a lot more places and people to see and visit on my proverbial ‘to do’ list.

I have always been a big believer that there is so much to see on your own doorstep so to speak, which is quite apt as most of my movements in recent times have tended to be mostly in the UK (and there are still many places the length and breadth of the British Isles I want to see or catch up on again). So expect to see plenty of information and accounts of UK-related destinations, attractions, hotels and the like.

Add to this you will find a series of travel and tourism stories I come across and get notified about from my various contacts which I hope you will find of interest.

Never one to stand still – but keep exploring – I am always open and interested to explore new places, meet new people and write about my experiences.  So if you are an owner, director, marketing manager or someone who is involved and responsible for the promotion of a destination, attraction or venue, please do get in touch.

I should add a thank you to all those who have kindly hosted and accommodated myself and family at various points. It has been appreciated and I hope what I have offered and conveyed in return has made it worth the while.

Best wishes,

Karl Q

The Landlocked Traveller

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